Conflict Coaching for Individuals and Teams
Coaching for Individuals in Conflict
Conflict can be complicated, confusing, and demoralizing. Sometimes the situation becomes so complex that two things occur that are very common, and normal:
One or more parties are unwilling to sit down and meet to negotiate the situation.
The sitaution becomes so complex that it makes it hard to know what to do next, and how we should ourselves be engaging.
For these situations we offer conflict coaching to individuals.
In many cases that means we spend some confidential time with you exploring what’s going on, what’s been tried, and what could be changed to help bring about a new result.
In more comlicated situations we offer longer term (multiple sessions is normal) 1:1 conflict coaching. Coaching is a guided process where a participant moves through a process of self-discovery, objective setting, change implementation, iterating, and learning. In individual coaching the coach works 1:1 with the coachee to support learning and specific personal or professional goals by providing training, guidance and insights.
Are you looking for some help thinking through a conflict?