History and Impacts
Since 1999 NMC has been part of the Washoe County community making positive impacts by helping people and organizations resolve conflicts and by teaching people how to work through conflicts in their lives. What started as a mandated program by the state of Nevada, has grown through the years into a close knit community of mediators, trainers, coaches, advisors, and relationships. Over the years NMC has made positive impacts in the community in a variety of ways. Here are some of them:
Reduced Workload for the Courts
NMC mediates civil cases in Washoe County courts in their mandatory mediation programs. We take the number of ALL filed cases for the year that make it to the mediation agenda and match that to the total number of cases that make it before a judge. From that we get the impact number for % of cases removed from the work of the judges. The number listed here is the running average for the last 5 years. So, for every 100 cases making it to mediation, only 15.5 of them will need a judge to make a decision. Satisfying results for most of the litigants, and savings in time and money for the courts.
Good Community Conflict Outcomes
In Washoe County (so far!)
“In that conversation at our family Thanksgiving, I was able to take a step back, understand why I was getting upset, and listen to my father in a deeper way. It made all the difference to him, and me. Thanks for the class.”
Stories like that:
Where does that number come from?
We believe strongly that each person who takes an intensive conflict management training from NMC becomes better at working through conflict in their lives at home, at work and in the community. Many of them also help mediate conflicts for others in formal and informal settings.
Because of this, we estimate that each person trained creates at least two “Good Conflict Outcomes” per year, which has an impact on at least four people per year, and that our average trainee uses this information for the balance of their lifetime of approximately 40 years. So each person trained has a total lifetime impact of 160 Good Conflict Outcomes (4 X 40 = 160). To date NMC has trained 1,695 people, resulting in the total number (1,695 X 160 = 271,200).
People Trained in Conflict Resolution, De-escalation, and Mediation
Mediations Provided
“We couldn’t be in the same room together, let alone come to an understanding. Thank you!”
Impacts like that:
Conflict Coaching Cases
“I appreciate you listening to my story and helping me think through next steps. That is exactly what I needed.”
Customer Satisfaction Rate
“Mediator was great, listened well.”
Number of Volunteers Contributing to the Community
“Good communication and fewer disputes is critical in this county. NMC gives me the opportunity to give back where I think it counts most.”
(current active volunteers in 2023/24 is 27)