Training designed to improve everyone’s conflict handling skills

 The Neighborhood Mediation Center offers conflict resolution and verbal de-escalation skills training.

Upcoming Public Training

Conflict Resolution and Verbal De-Escalation Skills Training

October 15, 2024 - UNR Extended Studies, Redfield Campus, Reno Nevada

April 23, 2025 - UNR Extended Studies, Redfield Campus, Reno, Nevada

Topics: Wherever we find people working together we find conflict. Managed well, conflict can lead to good outcomes. Not managed well, conflict outcomes can range from broken relationships to project failure, or worse. This course addresses concepts and practices for managing conflicts, resolving disputes and ensuring that conflicts don’t escalate in an organization or community.

This one-day course explores conflict management and de-escalation techniques. It gets to the heart of why people do what they do when in conflict, and how to get your arms around conflict situations at work, at home and in the community. Moving participants from self-awareness to other-awareness, experienced mediator instructors take you on a journey that will pay rewards for many years to come in resolving conflicts.


Customized Private Training

Conflict Resolution and Verbal De-Escalation Skills Training
(Our Most Popular Training)

Wherever we find people working together we find conflict. Managed well, conflict can lead to good outcomes. Not managed well, conflict outcomes can range from broken relationships to project failure. With over twenty years of experience in this conflict work we have developed a short proven training to address the complexity of managing conflicts, resolving disputes, and ensuring that conflicts don’t escalate in your organization or community.

Training Objectives / Participant Take-Aways

  • heightened self-awareness of one’s own conflict style, bias, hot buttons and hooks

  • techniques for handling and de-escalating conflict effectively in most situations

  • skills and tools designed to manage or resolve disputes between co-workers, clients, event participants, the public, and others that may or may not include highly emotive, escalated individuals and situations

Co-Creation by NMC and You

This is an interactive workshop that includes lecture, individual and group exercises with group participation highly encouraged by the instructors. We encourage customization of this training to make it a fit for your community/organization.

  • NMC provides two co-trainers for one to multiple training sessions of not more than 20 participants per session.

  • You provide a group of eager to learn participants; a training room with audio-visual equipment internet access and possibly refreshments. It may be possible to offer this as a virtual workshop.

  • Dates, fees, location, and final configuration of trainings and timing are all to be determined. Typically length is 1-2 days and typical cost is $2,200-$3,900. If budget is an issue for you, let’s talk about possible alternative ways to fund this training.

What’s Next?

Let’s talk about your needs and some of the specifics of this course and see if there is an ideal fit. If so, we’ll work with you to customize, contract for services, and deliver.