Dedicated, experienced volunteers are the engine that drives the work we do. Please join us!
Get Involved
Since 1999 our volunteers, the board of directors, the staff, and our community partners have teamed together and worked hard to build a strong resilient foundation for conflict resolution and conflict education in our community. Countless hours of dedicated volunteer time have gone into building The Neighborhood Mediation Center. Thank-you to each and every NMC volunteer, past, present and future!
If you are interested in volunteering with NMC, please fill out our volunteer application. *We currently have opportunities, and will review your application and contact you as soon as possible. If you would like to learn more before applying, please contact us so we can talk. Thank you and welcome!
Community Mediation
Our community mediation volunteers participate in a variety of cases from mandatory mediation in the courts around civil matters to disputes in neighborhoods, families and organizations. Although volunteers practice alone in some cases, we strive to use a co-mediation model.
Minimum Qualifications:
40 Hour Mediation Certification within five years, with preference given to UNR/NMC course graduates - and/or a combination of documented mediation experience.
Other Considerations:
Fluency in multiple languages is a plus
Strong understanding of interest based facilitative mediation
Sensitivity to diversity (culture, race, gender orientation, life experiences, etc.)
Comfort with technology and online communications
Time Commitment:
A minimum of two years with at least 12 mediations per year. Our mediations are typically in the 1-4 hour range of time required each and the hourly commitment per year is approximately 50.
New mediators with NMC go through an observation and mentoring process that involves 4-12 supervised observations/mediations before co-mediating or leading a mediation. Depending on experience level and the mediator, this timing will vary. Learn More About the Mentor/Mentee Process Here.
A Variety of Tasks
We are currently in the midst of expanding the areas where we can provide opportunities for volunteers to work with us. Some of these areas of expertise include:
Board of Directors
General administrative
Intake and case Development
Training leads and co-leads
What is your superpower?