NMC has curated the following list of courses that may be of interest to those of us in the conflict resolution field. Please let us know if you would like to share a course you think others in the community should know about.

Ongoing Online Training Courses 

Ethics in Mediation Course 

Cost: $497.00 

 The mediation profession is built on trust, and ethical issues are inherent in any conflict environment. 

This module teaches students to identify, in real time, ethical issues that frequently occur in mediation and how to prevent these issues from hijacking the mediation process. Students will learn what types of ethical issues can be expected at each stage of the mediation process and specific strategies to respond appropriately. 

EMA experts share real world, practical knowledge with students. This course has been expanded from our previous course (2018 – 2020) to include more activities and more examples of nuanced ethical challenges confronting today’s mediators. 

Approved for 3.5 hours CLE, including 3.5 Ethics credits. 


Rethinking the Mediator’s Opening  

Cost: $79 

Training Video 

 To ensure your mediation ends well, ensure that it starts well. In this segment we unpack the opening moments of the mediation, and we rethink the standard approach of pitching ourselves, the process, declaring ground rules, stressing confidentiality and identifying the location of the donuts and restrooms. This is your chance to make a first impression on the parties. What do you want it to be? This is where we set the tone of our day. What do you want that to be? Throw away the script and take a strategic, targeted approach to the opening, and learn what really works. 


 Stereotyping, Prejudice and Bias in Mediation: Lessons for Mediation Practicioners 

Cost: $79 

Training Video  

 Every conflict involves diversity, whether in race, gender, nationality, culture, sexual orientation, language, capacity, context, and personality, or simply in positions, interests, ideas, beliefs, backgrounds, values, and environments. Participants in this workshop will learn approaches, exercises and techniques that will assist people in identifying the sources of prejudice, bias and stereotyping, and reduce their impact on cross-cultural communications and relationships. 


 The Heart of Mediation: The Art of Asking Questions (1hour) 

Cost: $59.00 

 Please join us as Master Mediator Ken Cloke takes us through the shift from advocacy into artful, appreciative inquiry in our mediations.  Through questions, it is possible to discover, in the thick of discord, how to free ourselves from its all-consuming grip, how to gain insight into what got us stuck, transform the ways we interact with our opponents, turn criticisms and complaints into openings for improvement, and evolve to higher levels of skill in conflict resolution.  Through skillful questions we can begin to move into the heart of conflict and initiate open, honest, vulnerable conversations that allow people to work through their conflicts, where resolution, transformation and transcendence suddenly, inexplicably, exquisitely unfold.  This webinar will focus on learning to mediate from a place of curiosity, compassion, and inquiry, rather than judgment, advocacy, and control. It will provide attendees with hundreds of questions to shift conversations, broaden perspectives, refocus priorities and engage the hearts of people in conflict.  It will help mediators design dialogues that disputant’s attitudes, focus and awareness, and permit us to work more deeply, yielding better answers, but also richer experiences, both for participants and mediators.   


 Maximizing Mediation w/ Jim Melamed 

Cost: $39 

 In this course, highly experienced mediator, Jim Melamed shares his favorite techniques and strategies to help participants through the family and divorce mediation process. 


1.5 CLE  

 The Intersection of Mental Health and Mediation  

Cost: $195 

 Historical Relationship between Mediation and Mental Health, Current Applications, Future Applications  

 This course includes 36 lessons and 19.5 hours of video content from top speakers from Mediation, Psychology, Social Work, Mental Health and government fields  


Mediating with Adult Families: An Online Workshop for Experienced Mediators  

Cost: $495 

 This workshop introduces experienced mediators to the field of adult family mediation, also known as elder mediation, in its many forms, including decision making about the well-being of senior family members and those who care for them; family owned business disputes; disputes about jointly-held property; and inheritance disputes. 

CLE: 7 hours (including 1 Ethics and 1 Bias) 


 Culture & Gender Issues in Negotiation and Mediation  

Cost: $149 

Dynamic presenter Nina Meierding offers 7 hours of valuable information and strategic recommendations for addressing culture and gender issues in negotiation and mediation. The focus is on practical solutions to address cultural and gender dynamics in effective ways.   

 7 hours: 7 CLE 


 Conflict Management Coaching  

Cost: $49 

 Conflict Management Coaching covers how to set-up a coaching session, who should be coached, where coaching fits into the dispute resolution process, and the length of a session. Ethical and confidentiality issues are also discussed. 

Finally, Cinnie provides sample coaching cases of varying complexity. 

This course is not intended to be a complete coaching training. Rather it is designed to provide information for those who are interested in pursuing coaching. 

1 Hour/ 1 CLE  


What Mediators Can Learn from Social Science Research 

Cost: $49 

What Mediators Can Learn from Social Science Research with Donald T. Saposnek, PhD  

1.5 Hours/ 1.5 CLE 


Me, Myself and AI   

Cost: $89  

 Me, Myself and AI- incorporating tech into a Mediation Practice with Colin Rule and Clare Fowler.  

Explore the revolution of Artificial Intelligence in today's world and gain insights on integrating it into your mediation practice. Delve into critical aspects such as ethical considerations, time-saving tips, reliability, marketing strategies, and more. Enhance your understanding and skillfully adapt to the transformative impact of AI in the field of mediation.    

6 hours/ 6 CLE  


The Art and Science of the Apology 

Cost: $49 

 Apologies need to be mindful, thoughtful and customized - which doesn't mean they are strategic and insincere.  It means that we are taking responsibility for making sure the apology is both sincere and received in a way that creates our desired goal. 


 Implicit Bias: Moving Beyond, Awareness to Knowledge and Skills 

Cost: $69 

 Understanding our implicit and unconscious biases is only the first step towards effectuating change in both our personal and professional lives. This training will explore what implicit bias is (and is not) and how it impacts us both personally and within our institutions and systems. With this awareness and knowledge, we will then learn very specific techniques and practical skills that will both assist us and challenge us to provide a more culturally sensitive, bias-aware mediation process. The skills are easily transferable to other processes and will apply to advocates, judges, facilitators and anyone involved with conflict resolution. 



August 2024 

In person 

August 12- 16th  

8am- 5pm  

Location: UNLV  

        William S Boyd School of Law  

Cost: $1,500 

32 NV MCLE credits (30 general/ 2 ethics) 

Mediation Essentials  

40- hour training fulfills the requirements of most court-sponsored mediation programs. Training includes conflict theory, negotiation methods, and mediation process, techniques, and ethics.  

This class blends theory and practice and will emphasize a “hands-on” learning style through various simulations.  


Roundtable Discussion 

August 28, 2024  

12:30 pm- 1:30pm  

Location: Zoom 

The Organizational Ombuds: What a mediation or other Dispute resolution Professionals Might Want to Know About This Unique Role 

Roundtable Session: offered through MWI roundtables bring mediators and other practitioners together to discuss new ideas, strengthen ADR skills, and to provide opportunities to learn from and engage with presenters from the conflict resolution community.  

This presentation explores the role of an organizational ombuds and the various benefits  

They can bring to an organization. 


Digital Resources 


Back to the Basics (or articles..) 

(Printable handouts/email options, Relatable articles, podcasts, Youtube) 

  *Useful articles that are quick reads- topical understanding of Conflict Management, Mediation, communication geared towards resolution* 


What is the Thomas Kilmann Conflict Management Model? (with examples) 

A quick overview of this conflict management model that also includes a flow chart providing a tool for visual understanding of steps  


6 De-Escalation Techniques 


Will Work For Food

Will Work For Food is an organization with a goal of raising money for those who are dealing with the reality of food insecurity- their organization is unique. This operation has a focus of raising funds for the cause they are passionate about, however, they provide amazing webinars focused on mediation and conflict resolution techniques. These webinars are free to join but a small donation is encouraged, not required. Not all webinars from this organizations are applicable to every type of mediator, however it is a great source of knowledge!
